
The Divine Way Given by
 Avatar Adi Da Samraj


“I offer you a relationship,

Avatar Adi Da’s 

Visit Wisdom Teaching for

videos / audios / readings

Every Tuesday

Zoom Satsang occasions are informal live calls on Zoom  

presented by devotees of Avatar Adi Da. Satsang with Avatar Adi Da is offered through recitations of His Teaching and leelas of His life and work. These calls are also an opportunity to ask questions. Join with others to more deeply consider Adi Da's Offering and receive His Blessing.

For information and to register, click here.

October 2024  

and Calling of Adi Da

This Holy month honours Avatar Adi Da's Great Island-Hermitage of Adi Da Samrajashram, the Place He Transcendentally Spiritually Empowered to be the Principal Locus of His Blessing of the world.


          – Avatar Adi Da Samraj

The Sovereign-Avataric Holy Month of the

Eternal Hermitage Stand at Adi Da Samrajashram

Adi Da & ​​​India


​​     AVATAR ADI DA SAMRAJ WAS BORN in New York in 1939. 

His Appearance at that moment in human history—the beginning of World War II—was not arbitrary. Avatar Adi Da’s human Appearance here required vast preparation that has come to fruition in this time of humanity’s extreme need.

     While there have been many saints and sages in human history, the ancient traditions of humankind foretell a final Revelation, a God-Man promised for the “late-time” who will perfectly fulfill the deepest longings of the human heart....  


ancient relationship


Video: The Gift

This website is offered with gratitude

in honor of Avatar Adi Da Samraj,

the Very Divine Person

of Reality and Truth,

Avatarically Incarnated

in this world for the

​sake of all.

The Wisdom Literature of Avatar Adi Da Samraj

“The Heart has a Question”

“In Order To Restore all beings To The One True Heart Of Me, I am Divinely Born To here, As The "Bright" Divine Help Of conditionally Manifested beings.” –Avatar Adi Da

“Because of My unique Disposition,  I agreed to

be born in the West, having been, for so much time

in My Service to humanity, not a Westerner...”

Avatar Adi Da Samraj

View videos of Avatar Adi Da granting DARSHAN here.

Love Does Not Fail For You When You Are Rejected or Betrayed or Apparently Not Loved. Love Fails For You When You Reject, Betray, and Do Not Love. . . . Therefore, Love. Do This Rather Than Make Any Effort To Get Rid Of The Feeling Of Being Rejected.

SINCE THE EARLIEST DAYS of His Teaching-Work, Avatar Adi Da Samraj has always said, “I offer you a relationship, not a technique.”  This is the single essential ​“method” of the Way of Adidam.... 


Avatar Adi Da, 1973

Quote of the month

                                  October 2024 

Sacred Culture

     The ego-“I” does not know What It Is That Is Happening. 

You are just “hanging out” for a while, until "it" drops dead. It is not good enough.
     Therefore, I Advise you to begin to be profoundly religious, and not waste any time about it. You must Realize the Spiritual Condition of Existence Itself....
     You cannot be sane if you think there is only flesh, only materiality, only grossness. Such thinking is not fully “natural”, not enough.
     There is “Something” you are not accounting for. Be open to “Whatever” That Is.

​     You must look into this.​​


Every Tuesday, 8pm (IT)

Avatar Adi Da Samraj


THE URGE TO EXCEED THE CONFINES of mortality is a fundamental impulse of all beings. This impulse is the source of sacred culture. Therefore, the Divine Avatar, Adi Da Samraj, Called upon humanity to activate “the universal restoration of the sacred (or central) domain of human life".    (continued)

not a technique.”
                                                      – Avatar Adi Da Samraj 

Born in the West

to Serve All

May this website be an ongoing resource, and grant profound insight

into, and recognition of,

Avatar Adi Da’s Unique and consequential Intervention

and perpetual

Divine Emergence.

The Way of​

AVATAR ADI DA SAMRAJ: “It has been My Intention to make books of My Word so profound that the mere reading of them could convert any being on earth (or anywhere else) from the life of ego-possession, mortality, and darkness to the life of Divine Love-Bliss, without requiring the slightest qualification in the case of any being that moves, or is.

I am not apart or separate, you see. Nor are you.

This secret is in these books...”    



There is “Something” you are not accounting for.  Be open to “Whatever” That Is.


​     The heart has a question. The heart must be Satisfied. Without that Satisfaction—Which is necessarily Spiritual in Nature—there is no Real Happiness.

     The contraction of the heart is what you are suffering.
It is the ego. The egoic life is a search—founded upon (and initiated by) the self-contraction of the total body-mind.
     The egoic life is a self-caused search to be relieved of the distress of self-reduced, self-diminished, even utterly self-destroyed Love-Bliss. Love-Bliss gone, non-existent, un-
known—just this pumping, agitated, psycho-physical thing.