
The Divine Way Given by
 Avatar Adi Da Samraj

AVATAR ADI DA SAMRAJ:  “It has been My Intention to make books of My Word so profound that the mere reading of them could convert any being on earth (or anywhere else) from the life of ego-possession, mortality, and darkness to the life of Divine Love-Bliss, without requiring the slightest qualification in the case of any being that moves, or is.  I am not apart or separate, you see. Nor are you. 
This secret is in these books...”    

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The Wisdom Literature

of Avatar Adi Da Samraj

His Divine Presence

In Celebration of the Divine Avataric World-Teacher, this large format book is filled with full-page color photographs of Avatar Adi Da with excerpts from Avatar Adi Da's most profound Teaching.

​Hard cover. 64 pages.

​ISBN: 978-1-57097-226-3

Rs. 300

Love and Blessings
The Divine Compassionate Miracles of Avatar Adi Da Samraj. Twenty-five of His devotees tell heart-breaking stories of human need and Divine Response. A woman going blind in Holland, a son with his dying father in Australia—these and others tell how they asked Adi Da Samraj for His Blessing-Regard and the miraculous process that ensued. 248 pages. ISBN:1-57097-185-4.

​Rs. 300

​Easy Death
Spiritual Wisdom on the Ultimate Transcending of Death and Everything Else. Talks and essays from Avatar Adi Da Samraj on the real nature and actual process of death and on the Realization of the deathless Condition. Includes stories of Avatar Adi Da’s Spiritual Help in the death transitions of His devotees and practical instruction on preparing for death and helping a loved-one die. 544 pages.


​Rs. 300

​Ancient Walk-About Way
Introduction to Adi Da's fundamental teachings. In this beautiful collection of essays, Adi Da draws the reader through a “consideration” of various topics: Waking up from the dream of identification with the body-mind, the devotional relationship to the God-Realizer as the ancient means for Divine Enlightenment, the super-physics of Divine Enlightenment, the human mind as "artificial intelligence".

Rs. 100

​What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember To Be Happy
"As long as you go on feeling this Mystery, you feel free and full and happy-and you feel and act free and full and happy to others. This is the secret of being happy from the time you are small until the time you are old." -Avatar Adi Da Samraj. A unique Spiritual text for children (of all ages) that leads them through the contemplation of who we are, what we know, what death is, and what true happiness is. 48 pages (21 full-color illustrations).

ISBN: 1-57097-074-2.

​Rs. 300

The Avatar of What Is 
by Carolyn Lee, PhD. 
The heart-breaking and unprecedented events of Avatar Adi Da's life and work described by Carolyn Lee in a thoroughly accessible and captivating form.

​A summary overview of Avatar Adi Da’s Life and Work—from the foretelling of His Birth, though His years of "Learning humankind", the more than thirty-five years of His unique Avataric Teaching-Work, to His Compassionate Blessing-Work. It is the extraordinary story of Adi Da’s Divine Intervention in the world, and a must read for those interested in learning more about Adi Da Samraj.

ISBN: 978-1-57097-233-1
5.5" x 8.5" paperback, 152 pages

​Rs. 200