HAVING DISCOVERED AVATAR ADI DA SAMRAJ and His Revelation, you are invited to enter into a devotional and Spiritual relationship to Him that will transform every moment of your existence into blissful Communion with the “Bright” Divine Person—inherently going beyond materialism and mortality.
It is possible for everyone to cultivate a direct heart-relationship with Him—under all circumstances, in this life and beyond. And so, the relationship to Him, once forged, is eternal—going beyond death and the apparent boundaries of time and space.
The Truth of the Way of Adidam is Revealed when you begin to participate in it from the heart. Thus, practice of the Way of Adidam is not a matter of beliefs and prescribed behaviors. The Way of Adidam is a matter of direct, moment-to-moment response to Adi Da Samraj and a process of receiving His Spiritual Transmission ever more profoundly.
It does not work to try to practice His Teaching by yourself. As He has said many times, it is simply not possible to move beyond the confines of the ego on your own. Nor is it possible to “unlock” the Secrets of Divine Enlightenment that He has revealed outside of a formally acknowledged devotional relationship to Him. That is why it is so important to become His formal devotee and to live the Way of Adidam exactly as He has Given it.
This Divine life is the Way of Adidam, uniquely Revealed by Avatar Adi Da by means of His own Submission to humankind. Through total psycho-physical surrender of body, mind, feeling, and breath to Him, He calls you to always newly discover and ultimately to most perfectly Realize Him—the supremely blissful, infinitely profound, inherently Radiant Divine Being and Condition that is your own native State, now and forever.
The profound relationship to Avatar Adi Da Samraj is lived in the context of the worldwide gathering of His devotees. This gathering comprises a “Global Ashram”—the cooperative devotional culture of Adidam. Within this cooperative culture—which is lived with other practitioners of Adidam local to you, and unified with the entire Global Ashram of Adidam through all forms of modern communication—every individual is able to grow and be accountable for his or her practice of the relationship to the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da.
Avatar Adi Da has created four congregations in order to make it possible for all types of people to enter into
devotional and Spiritual relationship to Him—both those who are moved to practice the Way of Adidam in the fullest and most profound manner (first and second congregations) and those whose life-circumstance makes it right and appropriate for them to practice a simpler form of the Way of Adidam (third and fourth congregations). For each of the congregations, there are particular qualifications for membership and there is a particular form of practice of the Way of Adidam to be engaged.
Which of the four congregations you should apply to for membership depends on the nature of your response to Avatar Adi Da Samraj and on your life-circumstance. Membership in any of the four congregations establishes you in a direct devotional relationship with Avatar Adi Da, and all four congregations are essential to the flowering of His Blessing-Work in the world.
Entering any of the four congregations of Adidam is based on taking a vow of devotion and service to Avatar Adi Da Samraj. This vow is a profound—and, indeed, eternal—commitment. You take this vow (for whichever congregation you are entering) when you are certain that your heart-impulse is to be a devotee of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, embracing Him as your Divine Heart-Master. And Avatar Adi Da Samraj Himself is eternally vowed to Serve the Liberation of all who become His devotees.
To find out how you can become a formal devotee of Avatar Adi Da and begin to practice the Way of Adidam, please contact us.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj, 2008
The Great Choice
An Invitation to become a formal devotee of Avatar Adi Da Samraj